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Manufacturers Call for Court to Dismiss Misguided Lawsuits

“This complex issue will not be solved through a patchwork of decisions, but rather through meaningful solutions.”

Washington, D.C. – The following statement was released by Lindsey de la Torre, executive director of the National Association of Manufacturers’ (NAM) Manufacturers’ Accountability Project (MAP) ahead of tomorrow’s hearing in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on the motion to dismiss the climate lawsuits filed by San Francisco and Oakland against manufacturers:

“Legal precedent is clear: the Supreme Court has held that these lawsuits are pre-empted by the Clean Air Act. These cases are simply another example of trial attorneys attempting to enrich themselves at the expense of manufacturers and manufacturing workers. These issues require the careful balancing of the nation’s energy needs and economic interests along with environmental concerns and are best addressed through legislative channels, not in the courtroom. This complex issue will not be solved through a patchwork of decisions, but rather through meaningful solutions. We agree with the 15 state attorneys general and the Department of Justice who filed amicus briefs in support of the motion to dismiss in the San Francisco and Oakland cases.”


The Manufacturers’ Accountability Project (MAP) will set the record straight and highlight the concerted, coordinated campaign being waged by plaintiffs’ lawyers, public officials, deep-pocketed foundations and other activists who have sought to undermine and weaken manufacturers in the United States. This campaign will pull back the curtain to expose these efforts and to hold key actors accountable in order to protect our members and American manufacturing workers. The MAP is a project of the NAM’s Manufacturers’ Center for Legal Action (MCLA), which serves as the leading voice of manufacturers in the nation’s courts. Visit us at