MAP Statement on SCOTUS Denial of Cert in the City of Honolulu Climate Suit
Washington D.C. – Phil Goldberg, Special Counsel for the Manufacturers’ Accountability Project, issued the follow statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to not review the Honolulu climate suit.
“The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear this case at this time is unfortunate because it prolongs litigation when there is general agreement that state law—in this instance, Hawaii’s—cannot govern, let alone impose liability on, the manufacture, sale and promotion of energy around the world. We are confident that when Hawaii courts consider these claims, they will join the many courts that have already found that this climate litigation has no legal or factual foundation. Selling us the energy we need to power our everyday lives is not a liability inducing event and, if it becomes one, it will make energy much more expensive for all of us.”