MAP Statement On Anne Arundel and Annapolis Climate Lawsuits Dismissal
Washington, D.C. – Phil Goldberg, Special Counsel for the Manufacturers’ Accountability Project, issued the following statement in response to Maryland’s Anne Arundel and Annapolis climate lawsuit’s dismissals.
“The court’s decision to reconsider its previous ruling and dismiss these climate cases makes it clear that courts around the country are seeing through these lawsuits and recognizing that neither the law, nor commonsense, subjects energy producers and sellers to liability for climate change. As this court explained, most of the courts looking at this issue are finding that no state’s law can govern, let alone impose liability on, the production, promotion and sale of energy around the world. At this point, it should be clear that lawsuits are a misguided approach to addressing the very real challenges of climate change and distract from real solutions that will allow the world to source and use energy in ways that are affordable and sustainable.”