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ICYMI Media Roundup: Motives Behind Acting New York AG Underwood’s Baseless Lawsuit and Meritless Public Nuisance Suits

Following Acting New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood’s baseless lawsuit against ExxonMobil, a number of scholars and news outlets highlighted the absurdity of Underwood’s actions.  Key highlights include:

  • New York University Law Professor Richard Epstein authored a Forbes column analyzing Underwood’s meritless suit and explained why it should be dismissed.
  • The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, in their editorial “Peak Embarrassment in War on Oil,” reiterated the misuse of the Martin Act by Underwood without proper evidence.
  • The Hill columnist John Solomon uncovered details in Underwood’s lawsuit that Special Assistant Attorney General Matthew Eisenson worked on the lawsuit and was paid solely by NYU’s State Energy and Environmental Impact Center, funded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
  • Crain’s New York Business featured a column by Lawsuit Reform Alliance of New York Executive Director Tom Stebbins highlighting the role profit-driven trial lawyers play in public nuisance cases like those in Oakland, San Francisco and New York City. Hagens Berman has had a hand in many of the frivolous lawsuits and was previously chosen by former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to sue other private companies.

The Manufacturers’ Accountability Project will continue to stand up for the manufacturing industry and push back against baseless lawsuits.