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Duluth News Tribune Op-Ed: Innovation, not baseless litigation, the right path to climate solutions

Climate change is a byproduct of modern society. Energy production allows us all to turn on our lights, heat our homes, power our workplaces, and produce the goods we rely upon for our daily lives. Most major companies — including traditional energy manufacturers — understand these facts and are now actively driving climate solutions. Rather than join this effective and inclusive approach, some prefer to make this issue political, look backward, and point fingers. They advocate lawsuits against energy manufacturers for “causing” climate change. Unfortunately, Minnesota has decided to join this litigation campaign, filing a lawsuit in 2020 against several energy manufacturers and a national trade association (“Ellison files lawsuit against fossil fuel giants for ‘campaign of deception’ on climate change,” June 24). This litigation blame game is a counterproductive distraction. It is also expensive for every person, family, and business. If these lawsuits are successful, each person’s energy bills will go up by hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year. Many people cannot afford these costs, particularly when even the lawyers and politicians behind these lawsuits fully acknowledge the litigation will do nothing to solve climate change.

Read the full article here.